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AF Range contactors and control relays Table of contents. Selection pages 3-pole contactors Auxiliary Catalog contacts number fitted. Global reference code. AF96 3-pole contactors 30 to 60 hp at 480 V AC AC / DC operated with 1 N.O. + 1 N.C. auxiliary contacts. Contactors and contactor relays. To keep things running you need control. ABB offers a comprehensive selection of contactors for simple and extreme application as well as products with specific purposes. Contact. Details: GE CONTACTORS CATALOGUE FILETYPE PDF. Control Catalog. IEC Power Devices. Details: GE Industrial CK95BE300 3-pole, 302 AMP contactor with an AC/DC coil (must specify voltage below) - Rated for 100 H.P @ 230 volt, 250 H.P. @ 460 volt 3 Phase and has bus bar Metasol MCCB_E_1908.pdf (34,528 Kbyte). [Electric Vehicle Parts - EV Relay (450VDC)] EV Relay Catalog (GER Series). [Low Voltage Equipment - Magnetic Contactor (MC) & Switchgear (MS)] [MS] Metasol MS Catalog (Americas). JVC MX-J570, MX-J680. Ламповый усилитель Fender "Champ Amp 5C1". The MX250 microprocessor is standard with the entire CTS product family. The MX250 Series includes all the standard Perhaps Cat Parts Catalogs to find parts specific to your Cat machine. Operating Temperature Ambient. 40 - 400 amp molded shell (-20?C to 65?C) , -4?F to 149?F 40 - 4000 amp all 30 Amp ballast lighting rating, 20 Amp tungsten lighting rating Electrically and mechanically held 2 thru 12 pole versions Field-convertible contacts with N.O SB23a SB24a SB25a a When power pole is added to 60 A contactor, a 4-pole coil is also required. Order from Coil Table in Catalog 9999CT9701. 932 Timers Contactors Contactors Terminal Blocks Table of Contents LED Lighting - Pg. 969 Contactors Selection Guide Selection by Horsepower Rating (AC Coil) Series YC1N(K) Mini series YC1U AC Series YC1N AC Series AC or DC AC AC Amp Range (AC3) 9A & below 9A - 80A 80A Catalogue July. 07. TeSys contactors Variable composition contactors. This international site allows you to access all the Telemecanique products in just 2 This is the current value which the contactor can make in accordance with the making conditions specified in the IEC standard. This is the ratio Read about Contactors (Electromechanical Relays) in our free Electronics Textbook. Contactors. Chapter 5 - Electromechanical Relays. PDF Version. All About Contactors. When a relay is used to switch a large amount of electrical power through its contacts, it is designated by a special name MINIATURE CONTACTORS. Page 1-2. CONTACTORS KNL6G - KNL38G Page 1-19.
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